Shake diets

This diet requires that you replace some or all of your meals and snacks with a milk- or soy-based supplement that is low in calories and fat.

There are two types of liquid diets: medically supervised types like Optifast and over-the-counter types associated with plans such as Slim-Fast or other more broad-based diet plans such as Atkins. Over-the-counter plans suggest that you replace two meals and one snack with their product, then eat a healthy, balanced third meal that should be low in fat and calories. Medically supervised plans require that you use their product for your entire food intake for a specified amount of time; intake is typically less than 1000 calories per day.

Upside of Shake Diets

  • Ready-made simplicity and convenience with shakes.

  • Liquid meal replacements are low fat and often fortified with most vitamins and minerals.

  • Rapid initial weight loss.

Downside of Shake Diets

  • Rapid boredom with shakes.

  • Old food habits are not changed when you resume eating normally .

  • Weight may be regained quickly.

Are Shake Diets for You?

This chart can help you see how shake diets fit your goals and lifestyle concerns.

Yes, if you don't mind drinking your shake while everyone else eats
Alcohol No
Caffeine No
Special Foods Yes
Family Friendly Yes, if you are able to cook for others while not eating the food yourself
Vegetarian Friendly Look for soy-based products if you don't drink milk